Moomin Mania

Posted on September 21, 2010. Filed under: Recommended Reading | Tags: , , |

While on vacation in Finland last month, opportunities abounded to immerse ourselves in Moominmania. Stories of the Moomins, written by the late Tove Jansson, are beloved by the Finns and Swedes. In preparation for our trip, I read Finn Family Moomintroll for the first time.  I was immediately hooked by the delightful and unique characters and Jansson’s quirky but gentle humour.  The Moominhouse, home to Moominpappa, Moominmamma, and their son Moomin, becomes home to an expanding cast of characters, as every stray is taken in and made part of the family, with Moominpappa adding yet another shimmed-up addition to the house to accommodate them. Rope ladders hang from the windows, as it takes too long to use the stairs.

The Moomin tales are a bit like the Winnie the Pooh stories, but with a more dysfunctional cast — reflective of the reputed temper of the Finns, caused perhaps by the Baltic chill and decreased daylight during the interminable winter months. 

We never did find the Moomin Store in Helsinki, but did purchase lots of Moomin swag at the outlet in Naantali. Moominworld, a Moomin-themed amusement park, is located on an island a short ferry ride across from Naantali. I opted for spa treatments at the Naantali Spa rather than Moominworld, but we did visit the Moomin Museum while in the lovely city of Tampere. The Museum is in the basement of the Tampere Public Library (a destination in itself).

Tampere Library

The six-foot tall model of Moominhouse, made by Tove Jansson and friends, is breathtaking.  A statue of Moomin welcomes you at the entrance.

Moomin statue

I would suggest reading the Moomin books and/or giving them to a child you love.  Visit the official Moomin website for more information on the delightful cast of characters and Tove Jansson.


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